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Step-by-Step Guide: Timed video interview for the candidate
Step-by-Step Guide: Timed video interview for the candidate
Written by Milla
Updated over 7 months ago

Congratulations! You have been invited selected for the first round of interviews!

Here's a step-by-step guide how to navigate through a timed video interview:

  1. Read the instructions carefully given by the hiring team. Make sure to complete the interview by the given deadline.

    Make sure that you can perform the interview in a fairly quiet environment where you will not be disturbed. Ensure that there's enough light, and the background is tidy.

  2. About browser support:

    Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge are supported for this video interview so please choose one of them. Check that your browser is up to date to make sure everything works as smoothly as possible.

    If you prefer using a mobile device to record your answers, that’s totally fine! Here are some requirements for the browsers:
    Android: the latest versions of Firefox and Chrome are supported.
    iOS: the latest version of safari is supported.

  3. When you're ready to start the video interview, click "Video interview" at the end of your invitation message, or copy the link below and attach it to URL. Please be aware that once you start the interview, you can't go back.

  4. Accept the Terms & Conditions & fill in the mandatory fields (e.g. name) Mandatory fields are marked with an * asterisk. Continue to the next phase by clicking "Continue"- button.

  5. The next step is to perform a network connection and device test. Just simply click "Start the test"

  6. The test should take approximately 30 seconds. If you face any issues, please check this article to fix the issue.

  7. Once the Network/Quality test has been completed, click "Start interview", and "Confirm"

  8. It's time for the interview questions!

    • First, you will see the question either in video or text.

      • If the question is presented in text, you can see the timer for reading below the question.

      • If you're ready to answer, you can click "Ready? Move forward" or wait for the time to run out.

    • Please be mindful of the given timeline, you can see the timeframe for the answer under the video.

    • In some cases, you can retake your video question.

      Click "Retake" to answer again (click the Retake- button within 30 seconds, otherwise the system will save your answer, and move on to the next question)

    • If you are satisfied with your answer, and you're ready for the next question, click "Submit & Next"- button.

  9. Once the answer is submitted, you can see the "Video submitted successfully"- notification below the recording screen. You can also see "Moving on to the next question"- timer. Once the timer is up, you can view the next question.

  10. When all the questions are answered and the interview is completed, you will receive a confirmation email.

    The hiring team will get back to you regarding your interview.

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